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Photo of Miss Adelanto Rodeo Queen with Victoria and Nancy
Author: Victoria Hardesty and Nancy Perez
Hits: 2234
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How many Book Launches have you been to that were visited by a Queen? Well, we were blessed by such a visit. This is Lexi Specchio, the 16-year old daughter of Michelle & Lowell Daugherty of Adelanto and Jeff & Rose Specchio of Thousand Palms. She is the 2017-2018 Miss Rodeo Adelanto. She is one busy girl! Lexi has won several Appaloosa Youth World titles, multiple saddles & buckles competing in numerous rodeo events as well as 2 horse trailers for being the AVYRA All Around Cowgirl for 2 years in a row. In 2013, Lexi was crowned the Hesperia Wranglers Young Queen with a clean sweep of all categories including: horsemanship, interview, speech/modeling & appearance. On the road to winning her Miss Rodeo Adelanto title, once again Lexi won all aspects during the competition. This young lady is involved in FFA, 4H and High School Rodeo in addition to her Queen duties. She's quite an accomplished young lady besides being a very charming guest at our booth.
Photo of Victoria and Nancy with Connie Teegarden
Author: Victoria Hardesty and Nancy Perez
Hits: 1412
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Rating: 5.00 (2 Votes)
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Description: Connie Teegarden with Victoria and Nancy with the Bounce House and the Petting Zoo in the background.
Photo of the Feed Barn in Phelan, CA
Author: Victoria Hardesty and Nancy Perez
Hits: 1347
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Description: This is the mascot of the Feed Barn in Phelan, CA. He sits on the roof of the building begging all comers to stop in and buy goodies and supplies for their horses. He's a cutie!
Petting Zoo duck
Author: Victoria Hardesty and Nancy Perez
Hits: 1658
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Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote)
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Description: Now this is a duck among ducks. Don't know what they call him, but he certainly is handsome and attracted a lot of attention from the little people who came to the Book Launch at the Feed Barn in Phelan, CA on December 2nd 2017.
Petting Zoo
Author: Victoria Hardesty and Nancy Perez
Hits: 1012
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Rating: 5.00 (1 Vote)
Comments: 0
Description: Among other things, the Feed Barn in Phelan, CA had the Bounce House and a sweet little Petting Zoo for the little ones at their Customer Appreciation Day and our Book Launch on December 2, 2017
Book Launch #2 at American Horse Products in San Juan Capistrano
Author: Victoria Hardesty and Nancy Perez
Hits: 1335
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Rating: 5.00 (2 Votes)
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Description: This is Victoria and Nancy with Maria Galindo, owner of Los Golondrinas in San Juan Capistrano at our Book Launch at American Horse Products. It is quite a store for the equestrian with everything from horse toys for kids to clothing for men and women, a large tack selection including saddles to horsie housewares and feed and supplies for your horses. Their prices are the best around. If you are in the San Juan Capistrano area, please stop in and check them out! We looking to find more photos from the second book launch and will post them when we find them!
Nancy and Victoria signing books for Emily Neri.
Author: Victoria Hardesty and Nancy Perez
Hits: 1544
Downloads: 366
Rating: 5.00 (4 Votes)
Comments: 0
Here is a photo taken at the Book Launch for Prince Ali at the Feed Barn in Phelan, CA on December 2, 2017. It shows Nancy and Victoria signing books for Emily Neri. What a fun afternoon that was. We met so many nice people and got to talk about our favorite topic - Horses!!
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Victoria Hardesty